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Last Day – in Dijon

The only scheduled event this morning was climbing the tower of Philippe the Good, Duke of Burgundy, built in 1450-1460 and recently reopened after restoration.

316 steps later, Dijon was at our feet.

Those who wished came with me to a serious wine store and learned more about Burgundy's economy from Adrien.

In the evening we put on our finery – some of it newly acquired – and enjoyed a farewell banquet at a typical French Brasserie.

œufs meurette - eggs poached in red wine with mushrooms and bacon bits is a classic Burgundian starter course.

Salmon spread on little toasts is another. And of course escargots (snails in garlic butter).

Main course was choice between beef Burgundy,

Chicken Gascon Gérard (a Dijon specialty - in a mustard sauce), or fish.

And then the desserts - white chocolate mousse, crème brûlée, or a Vacherin (raspberry and vanilla ice cream with méringues).

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We were off Wednesday morning at 6 am, a walk to the tram which took us to the Dijon station and then the rapid train to Paris. Smooth and silent, the train takes 1 hour 58 minutes, at over 200 mph.

Your team in sunny Dijon: Kate Messitidis, Paul Olsen, Terryl Kinder

Au revoir !

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